Saturday, May 23, 2009

How To Save The World by 2012

Dear Distinguished World Citizen

Kindly allow me to introduce myself as a Professor of Engineering, who has been involved in researches on the new discipline of Science and Religion, over the last 5 years.

Part of my findings, based on the discipline, is as follows (the words in italics are taken from Bahá'í writings, although the views juxtaposed with these writings are entirely mine):

1. The pristine Revelations of Divine Prophets are valid scientific knowledge.

2. In 1852, Bahá'u'lláh, whose credentials as a Divine Prophet can be shown to be ironclad, Revealed and personally supervised the writing of some 100 volumes of God's blueprint for the new millennium … and beyond.


3. However, the Phase I of the blueprint that requires immediate action, which is the Lesser Peace, is even now known to relatively few people.

4. This is in spite of a considerable number of credible sources pointing to the year 2012, as the deadline for realisation of the Lesser Peace.

5. As a result of our lack of attention, the present world scenario is reminiscent of the lead-ups to the two world wars:

In Bahá'u'lláh's time, the imperial order was heedless of His warnings, and was duly demolished in World War 1. The League of Nations was formed to establish a new world order, but failed. The subsequent experiments in political systems were, as in the case of the earlier imperial order, untenable, and succumbed to World War II.

6. Out of the lessons of the world wars, the United Nations was formed. It framed a charter in 1968 (incl. amendments after 1945) that covers the Lesser Peace, which if not accomplished by the year 2012, presages the perennial cycle of destruction and re-construction … except that, on this occasion, we may well be playing our last card.


Thus, for our salvation, we need to adopt the Lesser Peace, of Bahá'u'lláh, unconditionally, and without further delay. For the present purpose, the salient points of the Lesser Peace have been stated as follows:

7. … The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-encompassing assemblage of men will be universally realized. [All national leaders] must needs attend it, and, [in consultation], must consider ways and means as will lay the foundations [the UN Charter, including amendments] of the world's Great Peace amongst men. Such a peace demandeth that, the [nations with veto powers then], should resolve, for the sake of the tranquillity of the peoples of the earth, to be fully reconciled among themselves. Should any [national leader] take up arms against another, all [the others] should unitedly arise and prevent [the reneging leader]. If this be done, the nations of the world will no longer require any armaments [nuclear disarmament], except for the purpose of preserving the security of their realms [by a UN arsenal, and forces with the authority and capacity to act as required], and of maintaining internal order within their territories [by a policing force].

The Sole Interpreter of the Faith appointed by Bahá'u'lláh, prior to His Ascension, who is His son 'Abdu'l-Bahá, added that:

8 … a certain number of [the world powers] … shall … arise … to establish a Union of the nations of the world [UN], which will be resolved to establish the Cause of Universal Peace. [They will do so by] general consultation, [as a result of which they] must conclude a binding treaty and establish a convenant [UN Charter], the provisions of which shall be … inviolable … They must proclaim it to all the world, and obtain for it the sanction of all the human race … All the forces of humanity must be mobilised to ensure the stability and permanence of this Most Great Convenant … In this … Pact … the … frontiers of [nations] should be clearly fixed [and] the principles underlying the relations of [nations] towards one another … and all international agreements and obligations ascertained … the size of armaments of every [nation] should be strictly limited [to the extent that it would not] arouse the suspicions of [other states (nuclear disarmament)] … if any [nation] later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should … resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy [the reneging nation].


In the light of items 7 and 8, we may infer that:

9. The convocation of world leaders has already taken place, and its Most Great Convenant (the UN Charter) signed in 1945, after due consultation. However, the convenant - which is based on the principle of collective security, in which the world powers (those with veto powers) are supposed to be reconciled amongst one another - has only been partly achieved. Those leaders, who take up arms against other leaders, should be subdued, but this has generally not been the case. Rather, it has, so far, only resulted in some ineffectual peace keeping.

10. However, if the convenant were to be carried out faithfully, the nations of the world will no longer require armaments, except for the purpose of preserving the security of, and maintaining internal order within, their territories. The nuclear disarmament of nations, augmented by an international peace keeping force (UN federation forces reporting directly to appointed UN commanders), would ensure the peace and composure of all peoples, governments and nations, and safeguard the organic unity of the world federation. However, war might be necessary under extreme circumstances, although its abolition is one of the brightest promises of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation.

11. As the result of an unequivocal adherence to the UN Charter and its adopted resolutions, there will be political unity, globally, and violence will practically cease. However, it is evident that certain provisions are presently being flouted or swept under the carpet, to a greater or lesser degree. Time and again, we are falling short of Bahá'u'lláh's blueprint and, therefore, judging from past history, the next blow, for clinging on to our old shortcomings, may be even more severe than WWII.


In view of the above considerations, we may summarise the present requirements for action, as follows:

12. In view of the ultimatum of year 2012, of foregoing item 4, there is a great urgency for us to close the gap to achieving the true political unity of the nations of the world by collective security.

13. We may have to: revise the power of "veto"; complete the task of nuclear disarmament; ensure the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; and establish federation forces by the combination of a greatly reduced NATO force, in concert with likewise diminished Russian and Chinese forces, and other national forces, which will report directly to appointed UN commanders.

14. The forces will be for the sole purpose of quelling renegade states and other such entities. In addition, each state will only need to maintain a policing force, which is just sufficient to ensure security within its borders.

15. In doing so, we must not lose sight of the contributing factors to war, such as the financial crisis which is now staring us in the face … just as the great depression drove us into WWII, after the run on Wall Street. This tendency in turn exposes the flaw of human greed in our financial systems, which have become so impersonal that they are practically devoid of any ethical quality, as distinct from inter-personal transactions.

16. And, in a broader sense, the need for the moral compass of a World Faith, which will eventually guide not only our financial systems, but also all human activity, while rendering religious conflicts irrelevant. This Faith will be based on the eternal verities, which are common to all the major religious traditions of the past, namely, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith.


17. Due to our laxity, we now find ourselves faced with life-threatening issues of increasing regularity and intensity. These are the problems of: environmental hazards; nuclear proliferation; job, energy and water shortages; global warming; financial crises; abject poverty alongside sumptuous wealth; an assortment of conflicts; and so on …

18. If we do otherwise than Bahá'u'lláh's blueprint, an ultimate catastrophe may overtake our present world order, now that we have almost completely "lost the plot". Resolutions tabled for consultation, and/or adopted by the UN, are constantly being flouted or stalemated - by veto powers, for instance - and the issues of peace, justice and unity are continually being brushed aside.

Finally, it may be of interest to you that, in view of items 1-18, I am writing a book to let the world at large judge my findings for itself. The book will also include the developments after the Lesser Peace (which is Phase II of the blueprint), until the fruition of the Most Great Peace of a World Commonwealth, and thereafter, a Divine Civilisation (which is the final Phase III). Humanity will then exist in a wondrous state of oneness in a veritable Heaven on earth … the Promise held out by the Divine Prophets of our past history.

In the meantime, you have the capacity to act more expeditiously, and may wish to exercise that option of your own free will. On my part, I can only express my deep concern in this way, as a service to my fellow beings.

Yours truly


cc: Mr Ban ki-Moon, The Security Council and General Assembly of the UN, Chairman Hu Jin-Tao of China, President Sarkozy of the EU, President Medvedev of Russia, President Obama of the USA, Christiane Amanpour, Bill Gates, Ashley Judd, Larry King, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Sackur, Tim Sebastian, Charlize Theron, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Oprah Winfrey… and last, but by no means least, Dr Abbas of the Bahá'í Faith, for his gift of "loving-kindness".

PS: my sincere apologies to those who ought to be included in the list, but have been omitted due to oversight, and any misinterpretation of my sources of information